Computer Music Production has come along way. wont to be that you simply could only use your computer to trigger drum machines and keyboards via midi. But today a computer are often a whole studio during a box. you'll literally take a project from conception to completion all inside a typical PC.
But with of these capabilities at our fingertips i'm noticing a proliferation of poorly produced music. this is often because we've been handed plenty of tools but no knowledge on the way to use them.
I think it's a touch like being handed a formula one car with no racing instruction. Sure you'll go fast... until you crash!
So what can we do. Here are 3 rules to follow to urge your productions up to par.

Rule #1 - attend The Source
First you want to specialise in having an excellent sounding source. If you discover that you simply are recording real sounds, like guitars and vocals you want to spend time making them sound as astounding as possible before you set a microphone ahead of them.
Take the time to shine performances and twist the knobs on the amp. Get everything locked in before you push the record button because no amount of studio wizardry will fix a nasty sounding source...Enough said.
Rule #2 - Timing Is Everything
One mistake that creates a production stand out as amateur is sloppy timing. This usually shows up when recording real instruments mixed with sequenced instruments.
There are really two ways to unravel this. the primary solution is far and away the simplest - that's to form sure that the performance is on time to start with.
It quite flows with rule no 1 . this is often making the source sound nearly as good as possible. But say that your drummers chops aren't up to par what are you to do?
Edit him!
Inside each and each piece of sound recording software created today is that the ability to chop and move tiny regions of audio. Use this to your advantage. Take those out of your time hits, strums, slaps, or lyrics and slide them into the right timing position. Now with instruments like drums this may be a touch harder and tedious than it sounds. But it's the worth you buy having a decent sounding production.
Rule #3 Pitch Perfection
Listen, I'm not a pitch nazi or anything - OK actually i'm - but pitch is critical to an honest production. Second to bad timing, bad pitch will make your production scream rookie. So again work on the source. once you are tracking your guitars check your tuning with $40 dollar tuner. roll in the hay after every take if you've got to. Especially if you're bending strings during solos.
If you're recording vocals confirm the combination within the headphones features a solid pitch reference. you'll even cheat by playing the vocal line on a keyboard and having the singer sing to the notes. Yes it's a cheat, but after you delete the guide track nobody will ever know (wink, wink).